Speaker Detail View

Title: Materials Congress
Biography :
Dr. Sivasakthivel.S, researcher in the Department of Environmental science, Bangalore University since 2009. He earned post graduate in Biochemistry and defended his doctorate in Faculty of Environmental Science. He had submitted the Ph.D thesis on “Assessment of microbial diversity with seasonal changes of meteorological parameters’’. It is second most study on biological pollution in the ambient air of Bengaluru city which is which is emerging across the globe. Even, he is contributing in academic as teaching faculty in the department of Environmental science , Bangalore University. He has vast experience in public health and sanitation under in National ambient air quality monitoring program , Central pollution control Board, Government of India.
He has published 15 original research articles in various international journals and contributed as co-authorship for 2 Text Books which related to Environmental studies. He has been recognized by European science forum and invited him to participate in International Training course on “European Research Course on Atmospheres” Organized by European Atmospheric s Science in 2012. Similarly, He received a fellowship for research cum training on “Environmental Toxicology’ been offered by Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA ), Chulabhorn Research Institute, Thailand.
Researches :
- Aerobiology, Public health, sanitation, Air quality